Air. Craft.

Every piece is thoughtfully considered, tested and refined.
Everything exactly where it needs to be.

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Jabiru Aircraft


Freedom Just Got More Free

Sport Pilot airmen have been counting pounds for as long as Light Sport regulations have been around. With the J230-M there are no more tough choices of what to leave on the tarmac. Now you can comfortably fit two human sized adults, both full sized dogs, all of the gear you’ve overpacked for the weekend, and put in enough fuel to make it to your destination.

Backed by History

The Jabiru, with its comparatively long history in the Light Sport industry, has evolved to a very comfortable and predictable cross country aircraft, with one of the best safety records in the industry. This is documented by data compiled by both the Australia Transport and Safety Board ATSB and Aviation Consumer Magazine. Of interest is the almost equal number of Cessna 172 and Jabiru aircraft in the ATSB report. There are more Jabiru aircraft in South Africa than there are Cessna! You can see other Light Sport Aircraft Safety information here.

We're here to help

Detailed technical manuals are available free of charge on click here.

Jabiru is an Australian owned company. Airframes, engines and propellers are designed and manufactured in Australia.

See the Testing Highlights clip for a demonstration of load testing and spin testing of the Jabiru.

Designed With Intention

To protect you and your precious cargo, Jabiru integrates an Occupant Protection Capsule – a specifically designed structure, well-engineered and field-proven that deflects energy away from its core, protecting the occupants, front and rear. This is supported by the very rugged landing gear, all of which has been time-tested in the Australian Outback, and around the planet, for decades.

The Jabiru Lineage

Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd has been in operation for over 35 years and has gained a strong presence in the Recreational Aviation scene. This rich history affords a 3 Year or 500 Hour (the sooner that occurs) warranty. The best Warranty in the industry.

Hear from our Customers

"Pictures and videos were emailed to me at every milestone during the build process. Delivery was on time with a beautiful airplane that was flawless. Just a perfect, exciting, and fun purchase experience. After 200 hours of trouble free flying over 18 months our Jabiru still looks and flys brand new. You cannot buy more adventure anywhere for the price of a new JABIRU. ”
Ron M.
“Scott Severen is an aviation legend intimately familiar with all light sport and general aviation aircraft. During the past ten years, Scott has served as my go-to guy for all my aircraft, engine, and avionics questions. Scott helped me buy two airplanes. During both purchases, Scott served as an honest broker and ensured I flew away in the right airplane for me. Scott has gained my trust and respect."
John Orton, Attorney at Law, El Paso, TX
"Owning an aircraft that has the power- to-weight ratio of a Skylane with the speed and wing loading of a Skyhawk and enough room to carry my touring bicycle and assorted touring bags– while burning only 5 gallons per hour– has me thoroughly hooked. And guess what? No medical needed.”
Gary Anderson, owner of the very first J250-SP built by Jabiru USA (predecessor of the J230): Still going strong after 15 years, over 1500 hours, and no less than 7 trips across the continental USA.

Become an Owner

Let’s get down to business. Jabiru LSA sells aircraft directly to the customer. The first step is to get in touch with us so that we can determine your mission set. Be sure to fill out the form below to get started!