Developed as touring aircraft, the J430-D has a wide cockpit, high cabin and ample leg room front and rear. With three human sized doors, the J430-D is your next comfortable flying experience. Unparalleled capability with the flexibilities afforded by kit aircraft. You can build this on your own or enjoy time working with our expert craftsmen to create the airplane that fulfills your vision…
You need not have a degree in electrical engineering, an intimate knowledge of hydraulics or a garage full of tools to complete this aircraft. There are no complex or complicated systems on this aircraft.
Want to leave it to the experts? With two two-week sessions at our build center in Tennessee, you will work on your J430-D side by side and under the watchful eye of our building experts. In between sessions, other work will be completed by the same group of craftsmen.
Detailed constructor’s manual sets out the step-by-step procedures, checklists, engineering drawings and includes more than 100 photographs. They can be downloaded at no charge on our website. Forever.
The Jabiru J430 cruises at 120 knots on about 6.5 – 7 GPH. The Jabiru J230 has similar performance, though in a 2 seat configuration. It is the same fuselage as the J430 just without the rear seating, cruises at 120 KTAS on a little less fuel than the J430.
The J430 not only looks great but has excellent flying characteristics as well. This aircraft combines a quick take off and an impressive climb rate of 1500 ft per minute (at sea level, solo), and landing at slow stall speeds this aircraft is definitely the aircraft for getting in and out of small runways without much compromise on top speeds.
The J430 has rear seats that can be molded into the fuselage or set up for quick removal, along with hard points for the three-point seat harnesses. The large rear door on the left side makes entry and exit very easy with no wing to climb on or step required. Individual fresh air vents may be added for each passenger. Visibility all round is very good adding to the pleasure of travel in this touring aircraft.
Wing Loading @ 1320 lbs….……………..…12.8 lbs/sq ft
Cabin Width .…………………………………………………. 45”
Aircraft Empty Weight (typical)……………..……860 lbs
Maximum Gross Weight..….…….………….…….1675 lbs
Load Factor….……+4.0/-2.0 tested (+7.0/ -3.5 G tested)
Engine……………………..Jabiru 3300 6-cylinder, 120hp
Engine Horsepower.……………………120 @ 3300 rpm
Cruise Speed …………………………….….……….120 KTAS
VNE (never exceed).….……..…….….………..140 KIAS
Stall Speed, Full Flaps………..….…….…….……40 KCAS
Stall Speed, Flaps Up……….……….…………….45 KCAS
Climb Rate ……………………………………..……..1,000 fpm
Service Ceiling……..……….….……….….………..15,000 ft
Max Crosswind Component…………..…………….14 kts
Avg. Fuel Consumption, Cruise……………………6.5 gph
Fuel Capacity/Type……………….……………36 gal/100LL
Airframe Construction……………Fiberglass Composite